Are we, as Americans, still a Free People, free to live our lives in peace and security, free from the meddling directives of an all-powerful government? Or are we now a controlled people? Are we a people who have no rights or freedoms except those benevolently and condescendingly extended to us by our watchful masters in Washington?
Our ever-expanding Federal government continuously takes upon itself the power to make decisions for us under the assumption that it knows better than we do what is best for us, our children, and our society. Our Congressmen demonstrate this on an almost daily basis.
Thomas Jefferson, one of our country’s foremost Founding Fathers, as well as the author of the Declaration of Independence, believed that the best government was one with limited powers that left the American people alone and that allowed them to work out their own destiny without undue meddling.
We have a right to a government that disciplines itself to the will of the majority of the American people. Most folks that I know want nothing more than to obey the law, to pay reasonable taxes, & to live their lives the way they see fit.
It’s time that the President and both Houses of Congress tend to their own REAL (& basic) responsibilities, and leave us to take care of our own.
“That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.” - Thomas Jefferson (3rd President of the United States of America)