Wednesday, January 16, 2013


           Today, I wrote another of my many letters to my elected representatives up in Washington, D.C., Congressman Tom Graves and Senators Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson. Now, some folks might claim that that was just a waste of time, that it won't change a bloomin' thing, but I don't agree. How in the world are our representatives supposed to know how to represent us folks here in Georgia if'n we don't let 'em know from time-to-time?
           Of course, today's letter was prompted by all that gun control talk bein' bantered about by those in power, and don't you just know I had to speak my piece about a few other things, as well, while I was at it. But I reckon more'n anything, I just wanted to remind them three Georgia boys what's stuck up there in that mess of a Capitol city we got, that there's folks back here at home that are a watchin' and a listenin' to what they're a doin' and a sayin', and that we're hopin' they'll do right by us. Well, enough of that. Here's what my letter had to say:
Sen. Saxby Chambliss - GA

"Dear Sir,
           First and foremost, I wanna make it known that my family and I strongly believe in keepin' our 2nd Amendment Rights. We’ve broken no laws, and therefore we have no reason to be punished. Any new laws enacted will still make no difference to any person intent on doin' evil.
Just this morning, I read a quote in the paper, and I wholeheartedly agree with it… “We must not allow, nor shall we tolerate, the actions of criminals, no matter how heinous the crimes, to prompt politicians to enact laws that will infringe upon the liberties of responsible citizens who have broken no laws.”  Like I said, we’ve done no wrong and have no reason to be punished.
Rep. Tom Graves - GA
With all courteousness, I want to respectfully ask that you fight with all of your might against each and every measure of expandin’ gun control on the American people, whether it be by Congress or through executive action by the President. I hope to see you be a leader, an example to our other elected representatives in standing up for not just this, but for all of our rights, Mr. Senator/Congressman. No more compromise, no more deals. Stand up for what is right. No action is better than taking the wrong action.
With that said, we also want less control all around, less regulations, less taxes, less ‘nanny-state’… in short, less government intrusion in our lives. The majority of us are hard workin’, responsible folks… way more responsible, at least fiscally, than Congress and the Administration currently are. Those Americans that aren’t ‘responsible’ and find themselves ‘needing’ or ‘deserving’ of government entitlements will never be anything other than irresponsible as long as the government keeps takin’ money from me and mine to keep them folks up. And the long-term effects are that those individuals raise their children up to have the same mentalities, leading to successive generations of ne’r-do-wells. It’s time to put a stop to all that business. It ain’t good for the country, it ain’t good for the folks what’s dependent on it, and it dang sure ain’t good for those of us that’s a havin' to pay for it.
Sen. Johnny Isakson - GA
Please take note that me & mine, my family, my friends, and many, many others of our kind, would rather see things grind to a halt in Washington, D.C. than for them to go any further down the slippery slope that our country seems to be headin’ down. Please remember, at all times, to adhere to the Constitution, for it, more than anything, is the ultimate guide to keeping this great republic of ours strong.
And last, but not least, sir, I want you to know that I would much rather be enjoyin’ life, plannin’ future fishin’ and campin’ trips, thinkin’ about what all I’m gonna plant in my garden come Spring, than worryin’ about all the maladies of our country. The best us country folk can tell, all this turmoil seems to be comin' from the city, from one city in particular… Washington, D.C. Just you remember... you ain’t from ‘up there’, so don’t become ‘one of them’. Do your job like we sent you ‘up there’ to do, represent us, your constituents, the American people. Do us a good job. Do your best. That’s all can be expected of a man. I appreciate you takin’ time to hear me out. Let me know if there’s anything me and mine can do to help you get things done ‘up there’. Have a good day, Mr. Senator/Congressman.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Barry! The sad part is that it's already happened. Just try getting on a plane without being molested by the TSA or buying over-the-counter sinus medication without giving up your life history! With each passing day we give up a tiny slice of freedom and privacy all in the name of safety. I have sent e-mails to our representatives before and I have always been underwhelmed with their responses.
