Tuesday, August 27, 2013


            There ain’t a man alive what hasn’t done somethin’ that he’s ashamed of or better yet, not very proud of. Maybe it was somethin’ big or maybe somethin’ small; maybe everybody knew of it or maybe it was he alone that knew of it. Regardless, though, it was a failure to him, and he most likely took it very personal. It caused angst in his life and to some degree diminished his self-worth, and getting’ past it prob’ly took a bit of doin’. Yet, having accepted his responsibility for and learning from his mistake, he need not dwell on it any longer. For undoubtedly, he’ll do his durnedest from now on to try to make better choices and do what’s right.
Integrity is a quality that every man worth his salt aspires to have. It encompasses many of the best and most admirable traits in a man: honesty, uprightness, trustworthiness, fairness, loyalty, and the courage to keep one’s word and one’s promises, regardless of the consequences. In short, a person’s level of integrity is what determines the kind of man he truly is. Integrity is a man’s moral compass, helpin’ to guide him how best to handle situations that arise each and every day as he goes through life. Yet, keep in mind, men are human… and as such, we sometimes fail miserably. After havin’ recognized their failure or mistake for what it was - a regrettable, yet brief, lapse in judgment - most men try their damnedest to get back on the right path, ‘cause like I said… a man’s level of integrity is what defines him.
            Now, don’t think this ol’ man is preachin’, ‘cause I’m a sinner and backslider as well as anyone when it comes to tryin’ to live a life of integrity; but I do at least try. I’ve learned the hard way that living with integrity is way easier than living a deceitful life. Living with integrity brings wholeness and peace. Your conscience can rest easy, and you can look yourself in the mirror with pride.
With all that said… I suggest that you stop and think from now on before you speak in regards to what’s in a man’s past. No man wants nor needs be reminded of his past failures or mistakes, no matter how innocently nor in jest a comment may be. Doing so is akin to throwing that man’s low point, his failure up in his face; effectively reminding him of a time when he was lesser than the man he desires to be. And really, who would wish to treat any man so, to set him back, at least emotionally if not physically? It should be in all of us to build up our fellow man, not tear him down.

“Remember that failure is an event, not a person.”

- Zig Ziglar, motivational speaker

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